C84800 / CDA 848 Red Brass Bronze Alloys

Specification :

CDA ASTM ASARCON SAE AMS Federal Military Other
C848 B505
Plumbing Goods Brass

Chemical Composition :

Cu%1 Pb% Sn% Zn% Fe% P% Ni%2 Al% S% Sb% Si%
Chemical Composition according to ASTM B505/B505M-18
1In determining Cu min., Cu may be calculated as Cu + Ni.   2Ni value includes Co.
Single values represent maximums.
0.40 0.02 1.00 0.005 0.08 0.25 0.005

Machinability :

Copper Alloy UNS No. Machinability Rating Density (lb/in3 at 68 °F)
C848 90 0.310

Mechanical Properties :

Mechanical Properties according to ASTM B505/B505M-18
Tensile Strength, min Yield Strength, at .5% Extension Under Load, min Elongation, in 2in. or 50mm min Brinell Hardness (500 kg load) Remarks
ksi MPa ksi MPa % typical BHN
30 207 15 103 16 55

Physical Properties :

Physical Properties provided by CDA
US Customary Metric
Melting Point – Liquidus 1750 °F 954 °C
Melting Point – Solidus 1530 °F 832 °C
Density 0.31 lb/in3 at 68 °F 8.58 gm/cm3 at 20 °C
Specific Gravity 8.58 8.58
Electrical Conductivity 16.4% IACS at 68 °F 0.095 MegaSiemens/cm at 20 °C
Thermal Conductivity 41.6 Btu/sq ft/ft hr/°F at 68 °F 72 W/m at 20 °C
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 68-392 10 · 10-6 per °F (68-392 °F) 17.3 · 10-6 per °C (20-200 °C)
Specific Heat Capacity 0.09 Btu/lb/°F at 68 °F 377.1 J/kg at 293 °C
Modulus of Elasticity in Tension 15000 ksi 103400 MPa
Magnetic Permeability 1 1

Fabrication Properties :

Fabrication Properties provided by CDA
Joining Technique Suitability
Soldering Excellent
Brazing Good
Oxyacetylene Welding Not Recommended
Gas Shielded Arc Welding Not Recommended
Coated Metal Arc Welding Fair